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Use Finest Customer Service Management Software

Cater to your customers’ every need without any delay and elevate customer experience level in your workplace with TrackOlap. We help you serve your customers with utmost care and perfection.
Fast and simple solution

No learning curve

Easy to use

Build better relationships with your customers
To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard

To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard

To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard
Cater to your customers’ every need without any delay and elevate customer experience level in your workplace with TrackOlap. We help you serve your customers with utmost care and perfection.
Fast and simple solution
No learning curve
Easy to use
Build better relationships with your customers
TrackOlap Customer Service Management brings
Why is TrackOlap To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard Better?
TrackOlap To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard solution has one end goal – enhance customer experience regardless of the engagement channels or interaction type. We have developed a centralized place to set workflow by optimally overseeing and tracking all communications with a business’s customers.
To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard Software
custom workflow
Custom Workflow
Customize workflow to resolve queries or complaints based on individual customers’ needs.
add cases
Add cases/ Complaints
Simply add a case to the dashboard for quickly managing or updating case stages.
assigment of cases
Assignment of cases
Assign the case ticket to the right person who has capabilities and authority to instantly resolve it.
Integration with Cloud calling
Ability to integrate with cloud calling systems to manage call logs and create cases accordingly.
Dashboard or reports on Cases/Complaints
Managers can generate insightful reports on cases to monitor individual employees progress.
How It Can Help ?
Build Strong Relationships with Your Customers Using TrackOlap CSM
To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard System
Records all the complaints
Create customer complaint tickets, assign them to the right person and follow up on the dashboard to check complaint history anytime.
imageMultiple case stages
imageManage case details
To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard Solution
Transparency of the Complaints stage
Managers can record multiple cases along with each step to build a transparent complaint stage for service agents to resolve complaints seamlessly.
imageUpdate case stages
imageMaintain case details
To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard India
Easy to assign the complaint
Assign each complaint to the right person who has qualifications and authority to resolve it on time without any delay.
imageAdd a case
imageAssign cases with a click
To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard Works
Monitoring of customer handling
Empower service managers to monitor customer handling in real-time to ensure customers always receive the optimal quality services.
imageAutomatic reports
imageOverall case statistics
Here’s How TrackOlap To Instantly Serve Your Customers. Use Finest Customer Service Management Dashboard Works
TrackOlap CMS enables managers to grow a customer experience with hundreds
of accounts efficiently and effectively. We provide core technical support to satisfy
your customers.
Customer relationship management Software animation img animation img animation img
Create Workflow
Create a condescending workflow to resolve each customer complaint with details.
Lodge customer complaints in the platform
Enter customer complaints to the platform using simple custom forms.
Update the stage and Assign the task
Add multiple complaint stages and assign each one of them to the right person to take immediate action.
View all the stages of the complaint
A dashboard will show all complete, incomplete, and in-progress complaint stages.
Create Workflow
Create a condescending workflow to resolve each customer complaint with details.
Lodge customer complaints in the platform
Enter customer complaints to the platform using simple custom forms.
Update the stage and Assign the task
Add multiple complaint stages and assign each one of them to the right person to take immediate action.
View all the stages of the complaint
A dashboard will show all complete, incomplete, and in-progress complaint stages.
Customer relationship management Software mobile animation mobile animation mobile animation
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Have any Queries ?
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can use custom TrackOlap customer management software to scale up your business. Our system allows you to add multiple customer complaint channels, complaint stages, and team members. You can easily scale your business with our platform.

CRM is an automatic solution that companies can use to manage interactions with customers, store information about them, and automate a number of processes connected with a customer’s journey through the marketing and sales funnels.

TrackOlap CMS is designed for all business organizations regardless of their domain, such as Banking, Insurance, Real Estate, Agriculture, Manufacturing, and others. You can book a free demo today to know how TrackOlap CMS can help you.

TrackOlap CMS is designed for all business organizations regardless of their domain, such as Banking, Insurance, Real Estate, Agriculture, Manufacturing, and others. You can book a free demo today to know how TrackOlap CMS can help you.

Gather customer insights
Simple automated workflows
Seamless tagging
Knowledge base integration
Follow up and move up the pipelineAnalytics and reporting
Upscale customer services
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