All-in-One Sales CRM Platform to Automate & Faster Sales Efficiency

Enrich your relationship with customers & establish
your team's accountability today
Simple User Interface
Graphical Mobile App
Competitive Rates
Best for Big Or Small Sales Teams
sales crm software india
Product Information
What is TrackOlap's Sale CRM?
TrackOlap Sales CRM Software all touchpoints in the sales funnel and customer relationship management process. This tool helps organizations to reduce lead leakage, shorten the sales cycle and remove all bottlenecks from the sales pipeline. We offer a series of CRM reports to automate lead management processes, including conversion, activity overview, and many more.
Here's how sales CRM can help you :-
Defining daily schedules &
Allows to segment lead data & chase the lead
Tracks the sales funnel throughout the sales cycle
Cut down repetitive tasks to improve employee efficiency
What is TrackOlap's Sale CRM?
What TrackOlap Sales CRM Brings On The Table?
TrackOlap offers a complete sales CRM umbrella to align the sales
cycle in a way that you can reach out to lead instantly.
How Can TrackOlap Sales CRM Help?
Build a Powerful Sales Process & Long-lasting
Customer Relationship Now
Build a Powerful Sales Process & Long-lasting Customer Relationship Now
Capture Attendance from Anywhere & Anytime
We have geo-tagging and mobile sales CRM solutions that help you to capture your employee's location-based attendance. This allows field and remote workforces to report on time to the back-office, thus reducing the amount of time for manual processing of which there is significant back office burden in terms of resources required. Sales CRM Software is fast and easy to use, and so simple to integrate with any number of systems!
Geo-tagged attendance
Auto punch in/out
Geo Fence Based
Attendance Analytics
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Keep an Eagle Eye on Your Leads, Systematically
TrackOlap is a centralized dashboard to manage, acquire, distribute, and follow up your sales leads. TrackOlap Sales Lead Management includes detailed data on every lead's journey in real time, so you can identify whether a lead is acquiring, converting or dropping out, and take action.
Quick notifications
Mobile support
Lead Check In/Check Out
Create Multiple Lead Workflows
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Create Different Task Forms
Completely automate your customer interactions through custom forms that you design. Using these interactive forms, you can set up tasks for yourself and your team to keep track of everything. You'll also receive instant notification whenever there's an update on your tasks, so no more missed deadlines! TrackOlap to set tasks for yourself and your team members, eliminate unnecessary tasks, boost productivity by giving yourself reminders, get instant notifications on tasks that require follow-up or just keep track of important messages.
Daily plans
Assign tasks
Team's Analytics & Alerts
Task Prioritization
Assign tasks
Customize Task Forms
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Schedule Daily or Periodic Reports
Completely automate your customer interactions through custom forms that you design. Using these interactive forms, you can set up tasks for yourself and your team to keep track of everything. You'll also receive instant notification whenever there's an update on your tasks, so no more missed deadlines! You can obtain daily or periodic reports to keep the productivity portion always high in your organization.
Multiple reports
Sharable reports
Schedule Reports
Automatic Reports
reports management system
Pricing Overview
Now get start from our different types of Plans which
suits your business
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Frequently Asked Questions

A sales CRM aka customer relationship management software, helps business owners nurture their relationships with their clientele. Various tools and functions fall under CRM that salespeople can use to convert potential leads to customers, such as:
Live tracking
Workflow management
Project management
Reporting and more

Sales CRM is one of the best platforms to effectively manage your customers and employees. This one tool can help you impress your customers with the best services and boost employees productivity in a click. Using TrackOlap Sales CRM solution, you can:
Build better relationships with your customers
Increase your team's productivity
Sync all your data in one place
Increase customer retention
Segment leads
Track sales cycle
Anticipate customer needs
Reduce workload

Lead management is a systematically designed process to generate high-qualified leads from different marketing channels. Every business needs a custom lead management system to optimize more leads. At TrackOlap, we allow businesses to build a personalized lead management system to nurture a strong relationship with customers and set accountability in the organization.

Tracking employees is an intellectual process that needs to be done in the right manner. Otherwise, businesses will not be able to improve employee productivity and efficiency. Using TrackOlap sales CRM dashboard, you will get numerous options to track your employees like:
Geo-tagging based attendance
Daily performance reports
Computer time tracker
Mobile app
Geofencing and GPS tracking

Yes, we provide around-the-clock customer service to our clients. Whether you need a demo for your team or need to fix a system glitch, we will always be available to help you out. For further details, you can contact our team and they will clear all your doubts regarding our customer care services.

TrackOlap Sales CRM is important because it helps businesses manage your interactions with customers, prospects, and leads. It allows businesses to track and analyze customer data, automate sales processes, and improve communication and collaboration within the sales team. By using a CRM system, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs, which can help tailor your sales strategies and improve your overall sales performance. Additionally, a CRM system can help businesses streamline your sales processes, increase efficiency and productivity, and improve customer satisfaction and retention. Overall, Sales CRM is essential for businesses that want to grow their revenue and build long-term relationships with their customers.

There are several advantages of using Sales CRM, including:
Improved customer management: Sales CRM allows businesses to store and organize customer data in one central location, making it easier to access and analyze customer information. TrackOlap Sales CRM allows businesses to better understand customer needs and tailor your sales approach accordingly.
Increased efficiency: Sales CRM automates many sales processes, such as lead tracking, Task Management, and pipeline management. Sales CRM can save businesses time and increase productivity.
Improved team collaboration: Sales CRM allows team members to share customer information and collaborate on sales efforts. Sales CRM can lead to better communication and coordination among team members, which can improve sales performance.
Better decision-making: Sales CRM provides businesses with valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. Sales CRM can help businesses make better decisions about sales strategies and marketing efforts.
Increased customer retention: Sales CRM helps businesses build stronger relationships with customers by providing them with personalized and relevant communications and offers. Sales CRM help increase customer retention and loyalty.
Improved forecasting: Sales CRM provides businesses with the ability to track and analyze customer data, which can help them identify trends and patterns. This can help businesses make better predictions about future sales and revenue.
Increased mobility: Sales CRM allows businesses to access customer data from anywhere, at any time, which is essential for sales teams that are always on the move.
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